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  3. Multicultural Education Group Special Program 【Exchange Talk】 on Feb.27

Multicultural Education Group Special Program 【Exchange Talk】 on Feb.27


Date: 2016/2/27(Sat) 13:00-16:00


Mr. Christopher Bondy Special Program 【Exchange Talk】 on Feb.27

Multicultural Education Group

Description of Activities


This Group carries out activities to broaden international perspectives and deepen mutual understanding. Among the programs that it plans and implements are lectures by authorities and class in language learning and introduction to culture.


Responsibilities for preparations and implementation of related events are decided at its bimonthly meetings. Any MISHOP member is welcome to attend.

■Events and Programs

Lectures for International Understanding
Language and Culture Courses
Children's Class for Multicultural Understanding

Multicultural Education Group (Special Program 'Exchange Talk' on Feb.27)