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  3. The 24rh Mitaka International Exchange Festival

The 24rh Mitaka International Exchange Festival


Date: 2013/9/22(Sun) 10:00-15:30
Place: Inokashira West Park


"Let's join hands 'cause we're all one world!!"

Date Sunday, September 22nd, 10:00 – 15:30
    (Festival will be held in case of light rain)
Place Inokashira West Park
Sponsor Mitaka International Society for Hospitality
Co-sponsor Mitaka Junior Chamber
Supporter  Mitaka City

■The Stage
 A collection of performances fun to see and hear. Enjoy yourself with music and dance from around the world.

■Mitaka International Society for Hospitality Fellowship Zone
 We introduce Mitaka International Society for Hospitality activities in this area.
 Our volunteers will kindly explain what we usually do with using panels.

■Tent Booths
 We will divide the site into several zones for the festival comers to have a sense of each region of the world. Come have fun in an internationals atmosphere while snacking and shopping. Various fun attractions will also be held in front of the main booth of each zone.

■Community Fellowship Exchange Zone
 Shops and attractions held by the local organizations will be in this area. A disaster prevention corner and second-hand shops will also be held in this area.